1st International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education
The development of EXAIR (example auditory thinking repetition) learning model based on BBL (Brain-Based Learning) and its effect on problem solving capability on secondary school in coastal area
Lidiastuti, A.L.^1 ; Prihatin, J.^1 ; Iqbal, M.^1
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, Jl. Kalimantan 37, Jember
68121, Indonesia^1
关键词: Coastal area;    Learning models;    Low qualities;    Problem solving skills;    Product validation;    Prototype models;    Quasi-experiments;    Secondary schools;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/243/1/012094/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/243/1/012094
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
As an archipelago country, Indonesia has a large coastal area. The condition of a coastal area known as underdeveloped regions. That condition correlated with the low quality of education, so need to be improved. It can be changed by optimalizing requires with special skills for students to be able to solve problems. Develop a learning model designed with enjoyable learning, one of them is EXAIR model of learning (combination of Example Non-Example model and AIR model) based on BBL (Brain-Based Learning). The aim of this research was to create a learning model and to increase problem-solving skills. The research was conducted by using 4D method. The first step is to define which is used to know the needs, the second step is to design which is used to produce the prototype model, the third step is the development used to produce a book of instruction learning model EXAIR based BBL. This research then continued with quasi-experiment. The result on product validation is 84.47% and the category is very valid. The results showed a significant effect on the BBL-based EXAIR learning model with a probability value of 0.00
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The development of EXAIR (example auditory thinking repetition) learning model based on BBL (Brain-Based Learning) and its effect on problem solving capability on secondary school in coastal area 475KB PDF download
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