Phase-Change Memory (PCM) has received a lot of attention as a next-generationstorage component. Because PCMhas higher density and lower power consumption asmain memory compared with DRAM, hybrid main memory systems are proposed asnew models that comprise PCM and DRAM. However, PCM has lower durability and6-12 times slower write access time than DRAM.When PCMis used as main memory,the high write latency influences performance enormously. To make up these weaknessesin PCM, previous researches focused on automatic page replacement by whichpages could be migrated between PCM and DRAM main memory when programs arerunning based on statistics of the page access patterns. But statistics based page replacementapproaches need pattern monitoring overhead and furthermore, proposedhardware driven approaches are hard to deploy because memory controller has to beredesigned and software approaches are not complete solutions because not all pageaccesses are visible to software. In this paper, we propose to enable user-controlledstatic memory allocations on hybrid memory systems. Through static memory allocations,programmers can allocate write intensive variables to DRAM to avoid highwrite access time and wearing of PCM along with energy savings.
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Enabling User-Controlled Allocations on Hrbrid Memory Systems