Humans have a unique evolutionary trajectory that allows life past reproductive viability. Antagonistic pleiotropy and resource economics lead to the deterioration of physiological processes once beyond years in which natural selection is effective. As individuals age, bone becomes increasingly fragile and prone to fracture. Due to heterogeneity in human aging patterns, bone aging is a highly variable process. The ability to predict, diagnose, and treat age-related bone fragility has become an area of major focus in medical research, however, there is little consensus in the field as to the mechanisms behind bone aging. The lack of clarity in the causes of bone aging makes individualized medical approaches difficult. Studies of these mechanisms are complicated by the inherent variability in human biology and environment. The use of murine models provides greater experimental control but has previously not recognized the presence of variability in aging. This work provides evidence for the utility of multiple inbred mouse strains in aging research. This approach provides high level of control but also allows investigation into the causes behind variable aging outcomes. The first aim of this project establishes differences in bone aging in the femora of four inbred mouse strains to demonstrate the range of intraspecies variability in bone aging. The BALB/c and C57Bl/6 strains lose mechanical functionality with age but in different ways. The CBA/J and DBA/2 strains maintain mechanical integrity with aging using different strategies. Different rates of remodeling, as well as mineralization, lead to the variation in mechanical function changes with age in the four strains. The second aim investigates the applicability of comparative mouse models of aging to humans. This aim applies modern theories of aging to the variable bone outcomes. The third aim demonstrates the potential influence age-related changes in mechanoresponse have on bone aging using a tibial axial loading model. The data in this thesis demonstrate the variability in bone aging in a mouse model, providing potential insight into human inter-individual aging variations. The work presented also provides a platform for future aging experimentation investigating factors that influence how well bone ages.
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Age-Related Changes in Bone: Variation and Factors Influencing Bone Fragility.