This study was undertaken by the WorldBank in its initiative to support Brazil's integratedeffort towards reducing national and global emissions ofgreenhouse gases while promoting long term development. Thestudy builds on the best available knowledge and to thiseffect the study team undertook a broad consultative processand surveyed the copious literature available to identifythe need for incremental efforts and centers of excellences.The overall aim of this study was to support Brazil'sefforts to identify opportunities to reduce its emissions inways that foster economic development. The primary objectivewas to provide the Brazilian government the technical inputsneeded to assess the potential and conditions for low-carbondevelopment in key emitting sectors. The Brazil low carbonstudy aims to support Brazil's continued efforts tofoster development while reducing GHG emissions. The WorldBank Group has always been committed to supporting growth indeveloping countries, and in October 2008, it adopted aStrategic Framework on Climate Change and Development(SFCCD) to integrate climate change into the developmentagenda without compromising growth and poverty reductionefforts. Within the context of the SFCCD, the World Bank hasundertaken a series of initiatives to support climate changemitigation within country-led development processes. One ofthese initiatives has been to coordinate several low-carbongrowth studies through close interactions with itslongstanding partners. This study is the result of thatinitiative. In order to build upon the best availableknowledge, the study process emphasized a consultative,iterative approach that involved extensive participation byBrazilian experts and government representatives.