This report was co-funded by researchgrant from the World Bank's research committee for aregional study evaluating Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)Support Programs in Latin America and support from thepoverty reduction and economic management division of theLatin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank. Theobjective of the study was to rigorously evaluate SMEprograms in four Latin American countries Mexico, Chile,Colombia and Peru to gain insights into whether SME programswork, which programs perform better than others, and why.This report should be of interest to country governments,policymakers with responsibilities for SMEs, localresearchers and the private sector in the region, as well asWorld Bank staff and bilateral donors. However, the findingsand conclusions expressed in this report are entirely thoseof the authors, and do not necessarily represent theopinions of the World Bank, its Board of Directors or thecountries it represents.