For the 2014-2020 programming period,the Government of Romania (GoR) is considering a newapproach presented by the European Commission (EC) -community-led local development (CLLD). Through CLLD,empowered communities have the opportunity to directly shapeand own the process of local development, during all stagesof EU - funded interventions, from concept design throughimplementation. If Romania ultimately pursues CLLD, thecritical task facing the government is to design an optimalimplementation framework for the new approach - this isprecisely the focus and scope of the current integratedintervention tool (IIT). The preparation of this IITentailed a number of steps, including extensive field workto define relevant subtypes of urban marginalizedcommunities and to review past experiences with urbanintegration in Romania. This summary covers multiplesections, in line with the key chapters of the main IITreport. It first reviews CLLD's main features and bestpractice principles at the EU level. It focuses on Romania,making some recommendations for where CLLD can apply andwhat it will require in terms of coordinating differentsources of funding. It also covers the main six stages ofoperationalizing CLLD in Romania, as follows: launch:preparations through capacity building and informationcampaigns; call for expressions of interest regarding thepotential submission of local integration strategies (LISs);mobilization of the community for the establishment of localaction groups (LAG) and development of LIS by each LAG;selection of strategies to be financed; implementation ofLISs approved for financing, including selection andimplementation of individual projects under thesestrategies; and phase-out activities and evaluation.