The overall purpose of this review is tobring attention to the opportunities that five countries inthe region - Bangladesh, India, Nepal Pakistan and Sri Lankahave to strengthen and expand interventions to improve thereproductive health of poor women. The report'sspecific objectives are: 1) to provide an accurate pictureof the current status of women's reproductive healthand describe the use of reproductive health services andbarriers to use; 2) to identify individual and householdcharacteristics that affect reproductive health status anduse of services; 3) to develop a simple and effectiveapproach to decentralized health planning that can be usedwidely in each of the five countries to improve healthservice delivery and outcomes locally; and 4) to strengthenthe case for investing in poor women's reproductivehealth by demonstrating the links between poverty,inequality and reproductive health. The review puts forththe following recommendations for reforms for reproductivehealth: to increase the supply of reproductive healthservices to poor women and adolescents by specificallytargeting the poorest areas and households; to enhancedemand among the poor for key services using BCC anddemand-side financing; to integrate reproductive healthservices through a client-centered approach and strengthenweak services using specific relevant approaches; and toimprove the reach, quality and status of women providers bybetter training, deployment and support are the'frontline' improvements required for betterreproductive health among poor women in South Asia.