Nigeria is the most populous country insub-Saharan Africa. It also has a very young population. Themajority of the population is below the age of 25 years,with 22 percent of the country s population between the agesof 10-19 years. Data on sexual and reproductive health (SRH)outcomes in Nigeria highlight the importance of focusing onadolescents. At 576 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births,Nigeria accounts for roughly 14 percent of the global burdenof maternal mortality (DHS 2013/WHO 2014). Global evidenceshows that young girls bear a higher burden of maternalmortality and morbidity. Data show that the average age atsexual debut is roughly 15 years of age among adolescentmothers in Nigeria (DHS 2003, 2008, 2013). This notepresents the findings of a recent study on Nigeria thatexamines determinants of adolescent sexual behavior andfertility, with a narrower focus on knowledge, attitudes andbehaviors of adolescents aged 10-19 years old in Karu LocalGovernment Authority (LGA), a peri-urban area near thecapital city of Abuja.