The education system in the DemocraticRepublic of Congo (DRC) will play an important role inbuilding the country's political institutions, inpromoting economic growth, and in redressing inequalities.The country is emerging from a prolonged economic andpolitical crisis which has had serious negative impacts onthe education system. The main purpose of this report is toassist the DRC identify the priorities for education policy,and present options in order to assist the government indeveloping an education strategy. This is necessary forpreparing the government's Poverty Reduction StrategyPaper and a program of assistance for the education sectorby external donors. This Country Status Report is structuredin six chapters covering the recent trends and currentstatus of educational coverage, expenditures and financingat all levels of instruction in DRC, issues relating toquality in primary and secondary education, and specificissues relating to higher education. It also presents theexpenditure requirements under various policy options whichcan be used to begin a more detailed planning for thesector. Financial simulations were undertaken for fourscenarios of educational expansion in order to determinetotal expenditure requirements, the composition ofexpenditure, and the shares of different financing sources.These simulations also suggest some key policy choices whichcould contribute to further containing costs. The foregoinganalysis suggests critical policy questions, i.e. settinggoals for quantitative coverage; determining strategies forachieving the goals within each sub-sector; determining thecosts of implementing the strategies; and, identifying keyreforms in governance and education administration. Indeveloping educational policy and strategy, an iterativeapproach will need to be adopted in order to gauge thefeasibility of different options.