This report summarizes the findings of aDetailed Implementation Review (DIR) of five Bank-financedprojects in India: the Food and Drugs Capacity BuildingProject, the Orissa Health Systems Development Project; theSecond National AIDS Control Project; the Malaria ControlProject; and the Tuberculosis Control Project. The DIR is astrictly confidential internal World Bank document, thepurpose of which is described herein. Its findings are of ahighly sensitive and confidential nature and should not beused by the Government of India as the basis for initiatingany administrative, criminal, or civil proceeding. TheGovernment of India may wish to undertake its owninvestigation into matters raised by this DIR to determinewhether any of the laws of India may have been violated.Moreover, the DIR should not be cited or referred to in thecourse of any Government of India investigation, in itsinvestigation reports, or in any administrative, civil, orcriminal proceedings undertaken by the Government of Indiarelated to the five projects reviewed in this report. Thisreport is provided without prejudice to the World Bank sprivileges and immunities.