The purpose of this report is todocument some of the aforementioned achievements over the2000-2010 decade and to illustrate their collective impacton poverty in Bangladesh. Analysis is undertaken to identifywhich factors contributed to the rapid decline in povertyover time. The main limitation of this report is that theanalysis is based on a limited number of data sources, whichdo not cover all aspects of the poverty reduction process.Nevertheless, to the extent possible, the analysis coversthe key drivers of poverty reduction over what has been aremarkable decade for Bangladesh. The report is organizedinto four parts. Part one focuses on explaining povertypatterns observed over the 2000-2010 period, notingqualitative differences between the first and second half ofthe decade. The analysis in chapter one offers povertyprojections based on survey data from this period. Chaptertwo describes some key characteristics of the poor. Usingpoverty decomposition methodology, part two identifies themain drivers of the poverty reduction experienced over thelast decade. Chapter three shows that the two most importantcontributors to poverty reduction over the 2000-2010 periodswere the growth of labor income and the declining dependencyratio. The remaining two chapters in this section focus onlabor income and demographic factors to understand theirrespective linkages to poverty. The past few years haveunderscored the importance of global factors affectingcountry-level outcomes. However, the series of shocks thataffected Bangladesh in 2007-2008 did not significantly slowdown the speed of poverty reduction. In Chapters six andseven of part three, the report attempts to uncover some ofthe reasons underlying Bangladesh's resilience to theseglobal shocks as well as the way in which poor householdscope with seasonal shocks, which are a permanent feature ofsome rural parts of the country, namely Rangpur. Chapterseight and nine explore the role of safety nets andmicrofinance in helping households deal with shocks andpoverty. In part four, chapter ten revisits one of the keyfindings of the World Bank poverty assessment of 2005(published in 2008).