Poverty mapping is a statisticalexercise to estimate the incidence of poverty atsub-national levels to enable the government, civil societyorganizations, and development partners to accuratelyidentify locations with a relatively higher concentration ofpoor people. The current poverty mapping exercise wasinitiated in September 2012 by the Bangladesh bureau ofstatistics (BBS), the World Bank, and the World food program(WFP) to produce reliable poverty estimates for keysubnational administrative units (zila and upazila) usingdata from both the 2010 household income and expendituresurvey (HIES) and the 2011 population census. Povertymapping is a powerful tool for identifying and monitoringpockets of affluence and poverty across the country. Theusefulness of poverty maps can be further reinforced bycombining them with other geo-referenced databases such asmaps of human development indicators, maps of naturaldisasters, and maps of the impending impacts of climate change.