As the developing world rapidlyurbanizes, the demands on transport systems also grow oftenat a faster pace than the population. Given the abovetendency, an effective and coordinated approach to urbantransport requires that sound policies be put into place.Such policies enunciate the direction that a governmentwants to take; they lay the basic framework for downstreamplanning as well as project identification andprioritization. This document policy lays out the guidingprinciples for more detailed downstream planning. Theobjective of this guideline is to improve mobility,environmental quality, universal access, safety, and energysecurity of any urban transport policy. This guidebook isintended to be a practical support for formulating urbantransport policies at the national, provincial, and locallevels. To this end, it highlights some of the importantissues that arise when creating an urban transport policy.The report is organized as follows: section one givesintroduction. Section two presents a framework of possibleactions, highlighting the avoid-shift-improve classificationthat has become common in professional practice. Sectionthree talks about the governance of urban transport: whichlevel of government should be responsible for it, whichsector should lead it, and how different aspects should becoordinated. Section four highlights policies relating toland use planning and the benefits of integrating them withtransport planning. Section five discusses the differentmodes of transport and whether there is a need for policiesto promote any particular mode in preference to others.Section six delves into issues relating to personal motorvehicles and, more particularly, the extent to whichpolicies should accommodate the car within the overalltransport system. Sections seven and eight present policyoptions relating to public transport and para-transit,covering issues relating to pricing, coverage, technologies,etc. Section nine presents options relating to non-motorizedmodes. Section ten presents issues relating to parking, andsection eleven suggests a balancing of supply-side measuresand measures to contain demand. Section twelve highlightsoptions relating to alternative fuels. Sections thirteen andfourteen cover the financing of urban transport and the roleof the private sector. Finally, section fifteen coversissues relating to the process for formulating suchpolicies, and options for implementation.