The study presents an analysis of thesituation of the Pygmies in Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC), including their history and relations with the other,mainly Bantu, populations. It provides a brief descriptionof their lifestyle, their socioeconomic status, and aparticipatory diagnosis of the key factors that lead totheir current impoverishment and marginalization. The studydiscusses the rationale for protecting Pygmy culture andanalyzes the results of the field survey and consultations.Based on this field work, diagnosis and inputs received inthe two country workshops, the study presents a number ofoptions and recommendations to address constraints faced byPygmy communities. The recommendations are not intended asprescriptive, but as options to be discussed and agreed onin the process of preparing a Government Pygmy developmentprogram. It develops six priority focal points, or areas ofintervention, around which a Pygmy development program couldbe articulated by the Government. The study concludes withsuggestions on institutional arrangements for a long-termphased implementation of such a program.