Global efforts continue to work towardsensuring a world capable of preventing, detecting, andresponding to animal and public health risks attributable tozoonoses and animal diseases. Drawing on achievements andexperiences of the past five years, the fifth globalprogress report was produced to support the discussions andto provide a record of key outcomes from internationalministerial conference on animal and pandemic influenza(IMCAPI). This report presents a framework for sustainingmomentum which was agreed by delegates at the April 2010IMCAPI. The framework offers three streams of work that needsustained attention by national, regional, and globalauthorities despite the inevitable waning of public interestin pandemic-related issues. The three work streams are: (a)prevention and control of highly pathogenic avian influenza(HPAI), (b) adoption of one health approaches, and (c)readiness for response to influenza pandemics. For each, theframework envisages two expected outcomes and identifies theactions which contribute to these expected outcomes. Itidentifies the incentives and institutional arrangementsneeded to sustain momentum, highlights systems formonitoring progress, and spells out investment prioritiesparticularly to support institutions and systems in theleast developed countries. To realize these goals, policymakers are moving away from tackling avian and pandemicinfluenza through emergency projects or special initiatives.Instead they aim for longer term capacity building throughpursuit of effective strategies within existing programs,and the mainstreaming of pandemic readiness skills. Theright incentives to achieve this transformation need to beidentified and used backed with strategic political andfinancial support, novel institutional arrangements, andeasily applied monitoring systems.