In Poland, addressing the situation ofthe remaining poor groups is likely to become much harderover time as their problems are likely to be deeper andtheir situation more complex. A social inclusion approachthat tackles their multiple disadvantages will be needed.This study aims to contribute to Poland's socialinclusion debate by providing policy makers and civilsociety with evidence from the field about (1) whatpopulation groups are currently 'sociallyexcluded;' (2) what are the driving factors of theirexclusion; and (3) the success and failure of current socialinclusion policies and programs. The ultimate goal of thiswork is to make current social inclusion interventions moreeffective by learning from what has been tried. The findingsare particularly relevant now that a new EU funding cyclehas started, with part of the funds earmarked for tacklingsocial inclusion. The study was conducted in three regions:Malopolskie, Podkarpackie, and Mazowieckie (in Radom Countyonly). The first two are among Poland's poorest regionsin terms of income poverty. The part of Mazowieckie in whichthe research was conducted also has a higher than averagepoverty rate; in addition, the unemployment rate there (31percent) is much greater than the national average (about 13percent in 2013). Capitals of the other two regions wereexcluded from the research.