The community of development partners inthe Republic of Moldova would be honored to engage in thedevelopment policy dialogue with the new Government. This briefing book from development partnersis offered as afirst step in such a dialogue and is solely intended toassist the new Government by providing development partners views and proposals that it can use to the extent itconsiders useful and relevant. These recommendations arebased on Moldova s existing policy orientations as set outin the National Development Strategy Moldova 2020, itsinternational obligations, and the Association Agreement(AA) with the European Union (EU). Moldova made a formalcommitment to accelerate the country s development by makingit capital-intensive, sustainable and knowledge-driven. Witha strategic framework outlining Moldova s development pathin place, it is now critical to accelerate implementation ofthe reforms including those set out in the AssociationAgenda to move closer to the EU. Moldova faces significantrisks in the financial sector, which should be addressed asa matter of urgency. A well-regulated and reliable bankingsector is fundamental to business, people and internationalinvestors. At the same time a robust system of publicfinancial management should be in place to ensuretransparency and accountability of public finances. Moldovashould develop a competitive business environment attractiveto new investment. Moldova should also take advantage of newtrading opportunities through effective implementation ofthe Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA).