The Water Services Regulatory Board(WASREB), with support from the Water and SanitationProgram, is exploring the potential for urban water servicesproviders (WSPs) to access medium-term finance fromcommercial lenders. The debt will be used to financeinfrastructure investment to improve access to waterservices by Kenyans. This paper presents the results of acredit assessment and shadow rating exercise for 43 urbanWSPs. The objective of the credit assessment is to provideborrowers and lenders with an overview of thecreditworthiness of WSPs to support access to local currencyfinance from the domestic financial market. It gives anoverview of the credit capacity of water utilities, providesutilities with a diagnostic to identify areas forimprovement, and exposes financial institutions to potentiallending opportunities in the water sector. Commercialfinance in water is seen as a supplementary resource topublic finance, which remains the predominant source ofinvestment funds in the sector.