Statistics from the UN Joint MonitoringProgram show sanitation progress in Indonesia to beoff-track coverage has to increase by more than 13percentage points nationally from 2008 to 2015 to meet thesanitation target of the Millennium Development Goals, whichthe Government of Indonesia committed to in 2002. However,after being a largely forgotten issue in the 15 yearsfollowing the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, sanitationis now receiving increasing attention from all levels ofgovernment in Indonesia. Recently the Government ofIndonesia has made considerable efforts to mobilizeadditional resources in order to finance the country'sneeds for infrastructure projects. The purpose of theEconomics of Sanitation Initiative (ESI) is to promoteevidence-based decision making using improved methodologiesand data sets, thus increasing the effectiveness andsustainability of public and private sanitation spending.Better decision making techniques and economic evidencethemselves are also expected to stimulate additionalspending on sanitation to meet and surpass national coveragetargets. The specific purpose of the ESI phase two studiesis to generate robust evidence on the costs and benefits ofsanitation improvements in different programmatic andgeographic contexts in Indonesia, leading to informationabout which are more efficient and sustainable sanitationinterventions and programs. Basic hygiene aspects are alsoincluded, insofar as they affect health outcomes.