Feasibility Assessment for Developing a Mobile Applications Sector in Afghanistan
World Bank
Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  91559
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Afghanistan has made significantprogress in its development since 2001. Yet, theseachievements remain continually fragile because of avolatile security situation and limited human capacity. Inspite of these constraints, the information andcommunications technology (ICT) sector in the country haswitnessed remarkable growth. The study estimated that themobile app market will grow from its estimated $20-$33million to $48-$60 million, at least twice the current sizein the next three years. Gaps include lack of relevantskills and experience needed for the mobile app market (andalso absences in resources needed to provide these skills),a deficiency in the awareness of the potential of mobiletechnology, and barriers because of the use of multiplelanguages and low levels of English language fluency.Methods to access the end user of mobile products remainnonexistent. The study notes that increased awareness,relevant skills, and access to practical experience in themobile industry are a top priority. As such developers needaccess to tools that are localized. Finally, an alternativeapplication distribution mechanism, which enables access toa greater market and capacity to bill services, isessential. The study underscores the importance ofleveraging the existing government initiatives: an ICTincubator and related programs funded through the World BankGroup, other donor driven programs providing access tofunding, and locally driven grassroots programs supportingawareness raising. To address the problem of end-useraccess, the study offers a game-changing proposal toestablish an app store that is built locally and provideslocally relevant content. The app store can raise furtherawareness and build a pipeline of entrepreneurs and users tofurther drive the mobile market. The report attachedprovides a synopsis of the mapping of the ecosystem and asurvey of current initiatives and existing gaps.Recommendations and a roadmap for designing future programstargeting mobile entrepreneurs are also included in thereport. The subsequent PowerPoint offers a uniquepresentation of the analysis and results for this specific study.

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