Yemen, the fastest urbanizing country inthe Middle East and North Africa region, has a very limitednatural resource base and the efficiency of its cities istherefore essential for its future economic growth. However,this efficiency is increasingly handicapped by the poorperformance of urban transport, especially in the capitalSana'a. This report presents the main findings of thisreview and makes key recommendations to improve theefficiency of urban transport in Sana'a. It containsthe following chapters: a first chapter presents the generalcontext of the study, characterized by fast demographic andspatial growth in Sana'a, causing major difficulties interms of urban transport management; a second chapteranalyses and describes the main underlying issues affectingthe performance and efficiency of Sana'a transportsystem;a third chapter presents institutional, technicaland financing recommendations to improve the performance ofSana'a transport system; and a fourth chapter presentsa tentative three-year action plan for implementation of the recommendations.