Following on the work of previous,recent publications - Voices of the Poor, and the WorldDevelopment Report 2000/01 - this report provides missingmechanisms by which people, and countries emerge frompoverty, arguing that income, results to the extent thatdemocracy, opportunity, and other positive factors encouragethe productive units in the economy, i.e., privateenterprises. It focuses on the sources of economic, andsocial mobility that lift people out of poverty:competition, deregulation, liberalization, and open trade,forces that weaken the nexus of privilege, that perpetuatepoverty in many countries. Private enterprise as an engineof upward mobility, requires the proper support from thestate, though extreme views - both the Marxist view ofcapitalist firms, and the extreme neoclassical model of alevel playing field that makes lobbying ineffective - areclearly off base. Rather, the report reviews doing businessand reducing poverty, based on the rule of law, and theestablishment of sound economic policies. As well,innovations, supported by an adequate infrastructure, andthe right privatization, and deregulation process, arefactors conducive to sustainable economic expansion.