The Europe 2020 strategy and thelegislative package from the European commission provideEuropean Union (EU) member states a framework and means formoving towards a greener and more competitive low carboneconomy that makes efficient use of resources and isresilient to climate risk. The integration of bothmitigation and adaptation actions into Romania'snational policies, programs, and strategies will be acritical step in shifting its development path towards aclimate resilient, low carbon, and green economy. In thiscontext, the Government of Romania has requested the WorldBank to provide advisory services on climate change,including operationalizing its national climate changestrategy and action plan, identifying and integratingclimate-related actions in new operational programs,building a solid analytical base for impact assessment andclimate-related decision making, and enhancingclimate-friendly practices and monitoring system. Thisreport is a deliverable under component B of the advisoryservices; support the preparation of the climatechange-related actions under the 2014-2020 operationalprograms. This report presents the results of the rapidassessment process for the transport sector. This includesboth general transports (which previously fed into thesector operational program for transport (SOP-T) and urbantransport (which previously fed into the regionaloperational program (ROP).