Agribusiness Indicators : Synthesis Report
World Bank
Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  91133
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The need for countries in Sub-SaharanAfrica to build more productive, modern, and market-orientedfarming sectors is one of our most pressing developmentchallenges. In coming years, African agriculture will haveto increase food production and expand and intensify valuechains in order to meet changing demand on the part of arapidly expanding and urbanizing consumer base. The processof doing this will enable African countries to begin pushingback against their currently growing reliance on foodimports. An essential precondition for bringing thistransformation to pass is to increase and improve theinformation on which farmers and agribusinesses base theirproduction and investment decisions, and on which publicsector institutions base their policies. The purpose of theAgribusiness Indicators (ABIs) Project is to provide thiskind of empirical information in the form of a series ofmetrics and indicators that can be used to measure changeover time and to make direct comparisons between countries,especially policy makers. These indicators will be used toinform policy dialogue, including dialogue betweenrepresentatives of the private and public sectors. It willprovide a common framework of reference with which tocommunicate their respective concerns, priorities, andintentions. This will facilitate better communication thatleads to constructive interaction between public officials,farmersproducer organizations, private investors, civilsociety organizations (CSOs), and others. Ultimately, itwill be their decisions that determine the course ofagricultural development and commercialization in theirrespective countries. The Agribusiness Indicators areintended to furnish them with information from sourceswithin both the private and public sectors which can becross-referenced and correlated. This type of informationhas generally not been available in the past. Some of theindicators are particularly useful in revealing theattributes of countries with policy portfolios that aresupportive of agribusiness investment.

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