This mineral sector review examines themineral sector as a potential source of growth anddevelopment in Malawi. In seeking the World Bank'sassistance the Government of Malawi was particularlyinterested in confirming the potential for mineral sectorgrowth, identifying which constraints to the development ofthe sector need to be addressed by the Government andsuggesting strategies to foster a positive contribution bythe mineral sector to sustainable development and povertyreduction. This report is organized into four chapters.Chapter one examines the potential for mineral sector growthin the short, medium and long term and indicates the directand indirect economic and development benefits that couldresult. The remaining chapters address constraints thatcould prevent the mineral sector's full potential frombeing realized, especially those that can be addressed bygovernment action, focusing on the development of efficientand effective legal, regulatory and institutionalarrangements for managing the mineral sector (chapter two);the design of robust mineral revenue generation andmanagement regimes (chapter three); and the creation ofsound arrangements for the environmental and socialmanagement of the mineral sector (chapter four). Eachchapter concludes with a summary of the main findings andrecommendations for action with an indicated timeframe.