Romania relies on the EuropeanStructural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to achieve itscommitments to the European Union (EU) 2020 targets. The useof the European Agriculture and Rural Development Fund(EARDF) requires that at least 30 percent of the budgetallocated for rural development as part of the NationalRural Development Plan (NRDP) be spent on the environmentand addressing climate change. The forest sector rapidassessment reviews key issues in the forest sector todetermine how the sector can contribute to mitigating andadapting to climate change. The assessment reviews thesector ministries measures for the 2014-2020 structuraloperational programs (SOPs) and NRDP to determine whetherthey are climate positive. The latter is an importantcondition for using EU structural cohesion funds (SCF) for2014-2020. The assessment identifies operational programsand sector plans that can support the climate changeobjectives and fulfill the EU ex ante conditionalities forthe SCF (2014-2020). The assessment also provides a basisfor refining the measures in order to respond to the climatechange requirement. The reimbursable advisory service phasewill involve more in-depth work on the sector, offering morespecific recommendations.