This country note briefly summarizesinformation relevant to both climate change and agriculturein Argentina, with focus on policy developments (includingaction plans and programs) and institutional make-up.Argentina is one of the four developing countries in theworld to have submitted two national communications to theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC), indicating strong commitment by the government foraddressing climate change issues across sectors. Agriculture(including land use change and forestry) is the largestcontributor to green house gas (GHG) emissions in thecountry, while contributing less than six percent of GrossDomestic product (GDP), and it represents fifty-five percentof the country's export base (including processedagricultural goods). The emission reduction potential of theagricultural sector (including land use change and forestry)is significant and not yet sufficiently explored in thecountry. Argentina currently counts with only one CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM) projects in the agriculturalsector. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climatevariability. The extension and improvement of bothirrigation infrastructure and climate-sensitive insurancecoverage for agricultural production can reduce some of theobserved vulnerabilities in the country.