This report conducts a survey of themore recent literature on the public financial managementand accountability system of the Government of India andanalyzes its contents. The overall objective is to providethe basis for enhanced knowledge and understanding of thepublic financial management and accountability systemincluding its strengths and weaknesses as perceived by theauthors of the publications. The study prepares an annotatedbibliography of select contemporary material on the publicfinancial management and accountability system and presentsan analytical survey relating to its various components. Thestudy concludes that the legal systems are in place in allareas, as well as the attendant procedures, rules andregulations. Trained manpower is available. Oversightsystems are vibrant through well established independentexternal audit and legislative committees. There isincreasingly more transparency in the budgetary disclosures.Steps have been taken to review the existing accountingsystems. One area of concern is the compliance gap. There isfound to be slackness in observing and enforcing the rulesand regulations.