The Country Financial accountability(CFAA) focuses on budget forecast, execution and control, aswell as human resources of MFPDR and other specializedagencies. Upon the request of Cape Verde's technicaland financial partners, the CFAA also covers foodassistance. Risk assessment is an important component of thediagnostic. Risk concerns both the Cape Verde government(budget formulation, preparation, execution and monitoring)as well as its technical and financial partners in theirfinancing of Cape Verde development and poverty reductionefforts. The goal is to assess the possibility that: (i)public resources have not been spent in line with definedand authorized budget objectives, (ii) the budget does notcover an important part of government activities, (iii)available information is not reliable and exhaustive and isnot sufficient for an effective monitoring of budgetexecution, and (iv) resources are not spent efficiently orare misused.