This paper disaggregates the term"biodiversity" into components (landscapes,ecosystems, communities, species/populations, and genes) andattributes (structure, composition, and function). It thendisaggrgates "logging" by detailing the vast rangeof activities subsumed under the term including variation oflogging intensities, logging methods, collateral damage, andsilvicultural approaches. Using the richness present in bothterms, a framework for considering the impacts of loggingand other forest management activities on the variouscomponents and attributes of biodiversity is presented. Thisframework is, in turn, used to evaluate the extensiveliterature covering different studies of logging in tropicalforests. This paper does not conclude with uncriticalsupport for sustainable forest managmement of timber as aconservation strategy. Such an endorsement is unwarrantedgiven widespread illegal logging in the tropics, widespreadfrontier logging and logging of areas of high priority forbiodiversity protection, the persistence of poor loggingpractices despite substantial efforts in research andtraining, and the generally slow rate at which most loggersare transforming themselves from timber exploiters intoforest managers. Rather the authors assert, from abiodiversity maintenance perspective, that natural forestmanagement is preferable to virtually all land-use practicesother than complete protection.