This report presents an analysis ofthe Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs and policiesthat affect young children in Seychelles. This report ispart of a series of reports prepared by the World Bank usingthe SABER ECD framework and includes analysis of earlylearning, health, nutrition, and social and child protectionpolicies and interventions in Seychelles, along withregional and International comparisons. The SABER ECDinitiative is designed to enable ECD policymakers anddevelopment partners identify opportunities for furtherdevelopment of effective ECD systems. The SABER ECDclassification system does not rank countries according toany overall scoring; rather, it is intended to shareinformation on how different ECD systems address the samepolicy challenges. This country report presents a frameworkto compare SeychellesECD system with other countries inthe region and internationally. Each of the nine policylevers are examined in detail and some policy options areidentified to strengthen ECD are offered.