Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in India : How Likely and What Will It Take to Reduce Infant Mortality, Child Malnutrition, Gender Disparities and Hunger-Poverty and to Increase School Enrollment and Completion?
Since the launch of the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) at the Millennium Summit in NewYork in September 2000, the MDGs have become the mostwidely-accepted yardstick of development efforts bygovernments, donors and NGOs. The MDGs are a set ofnumerical and time-bound targets related to key achievementsin human development. They include halving income-povertyand hunger, achieving universal primary education and genderequality, reducing infant and child mortality by two-thirdsand maternal mortality by three quarters, reversing thespread of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases, andhalving the proportion of people without access to safewater. These targets are to be achieved by 2015, from theirlevels in 1990.