This report presents an analysis of theEarly Childhood Development (ECD) programs and policieswhich affect young children in the Kingdom of Tonga. Thisreport is part of a series of reports prepared by the WorldBank using the Systems Approach for Better Education Results(SABER)-ECD framework and includes analysis of earlylearning, health, nutrition and social and child protectionpolicies and interventions in the Kingdom of Tonga andregional and international comparisons. Tonga is alower-middle-income country with a population of 104,509, ofwhich approximately 13 percent are below the age of 5.SABER-ECD collects, analyzes and disseminates comprehensiveinformation on ECD policies around the world. In eachparticipating country, extensive multi-sectoral informationis collected on ECD policies and programs through a deskreview of available government documents, data andliterature, and interviews with a range of ECD stakeholders,including government officials, service providers, civilsociety, development partners and scholars. The SABER-ECDframework presents a holistic and integrated assessment ofhow the overall policy environment in a country affectsyoung children's development. SABER-ECD identifiesthree core policy goals that countries should address toensure optimal ECD outcomes: establishing an enablingenvironment, implementing widely and monitoring and assuringquality. Improving ECD requires an integrated approach toaddress all three goals.