Systems Assessment for Better EducationResults (SABER) is designed to assess existing educationpolicies of participating countries in order to enablecomparisons between them and learning of best practices. Thepurpose of this background paper is to presentSABER-Tertiary Education Governance, a tool for facilitatingcomparisons of both system-wide policies and practicalimplementation of these policies at the institution-levelacross and within countries in the tertiary educationsector. This paper was prepared as a background papers forSABER Tertiary Education, one of the domains in the SABERinitiative at the World Bank, itself launched within thecontext of the Bank s new education strategy 2020 which setsthe goal of Learning for All. Among the factors influencingtertiary education performance, recent research hasidentified governance as a key determinant. A goodgovernance structure and favorable regulatory conditions canpromote innovative behavior among tertiary educationinstitutions, enable the development of strong qualityassurance systems, and facilitate the design of effectivefinancing mechanisms. This tool aims to assess tertiaryeducation policy according to eight policy goals.