In October 2010, the Government ofMadhya Pradesh hosted, with World Bank technical advice, aConference on higher education reform in the State. TheGovernor, the Chief Minister and the Minister of HigherEducation all addressed the Conference and about 150 peopleattended the event. Subsequently, four regional Conclaveswere organized, in which a total of more than 400 peopleparticipated, representing the leadership, administrators,faculty and students at universities and colleges across theState. This represents an impressive outreach to the sectorstakeholders. This report is written on the cusp of thepublication of the Government of India s 12th Five YearPlan. The indications are that the Government of Indiaintends to push ahead with some significant reforms in thehigher education sector. Of particular significance for thisreport is the emphasis, for the first time, on the need tosupport the improvement of State universities and colleges.The objective of this report is to provide policy makers inMadhya Pradesh with a menu of options for improving theequity, governance and financing of the higher educationsystem in the State. Though the primary audience is policymakers, this report could serve as part of the continueddialogue with the higher education sector on the directionfor reform.