This review provides a discussion ofchallenges faced by Romania as a results of reforms, policychanges, growth in enrollment, among others, and providespolicy options on how to tackle them. The review focuses onthe higher education sector as a whole and how it is managedas a system by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youthand Sport (MERYS). The team assessed how the system isstructured, led and managed by MERYS and not how each andevery university is structured, led and managed internally.Some internal issues that confront higher educationinstitutions were, however, reviewed since they are commonto so many institutions that, by reason of commonality, theydeserve to be addressed so that the Ministry can developappropriate responses. The report includes a large number offindings, conclusions and recommendations. Some of thefindings and conclusions require no recommendations. Theyindicate that the review team is happy with what it found inspecific areas and they are included in the report since theteam was required to cover these areas and since the teamwants to give credit where credit is due. There are otherfindings and conclusions, indicating areas where improvementis necessary and possible and the team is providingrecommendations, but on their own, are not likely to bringabout major improvement; then, there are findings andconclusions in areas where the team believes that thepotential for the greatest impact lies.