At the end of February 2011, the WorldBank commissioned Balancing Act to assess the innovativeInformation and communication Technologies (ICT)applications already being used in the country, the impactof these applications, and provide recommendations on howthese applications could be scaled up in the future. Thestudy is part of a wider World Bank initiative to scale upthe strategic application of information and communicationtechnology in Africa. The study takes as its main assumptionthat ICT can provide a number of different ways that canhelp the social and economic growth of a country. However,it also looks at the interplay between things that ICT canmake happen and the broader factors affecting Ghana. Thestructure of the report is as follows: 1) creating criticalmass - the central argument; 2) the transition frominfrastructure to services and applications; 3) the currentstate of ICT-enabled services and applications in Ghana; and4) getting from here to there: actions needed to scale-upICT services and apps. The methodology for this study hasthree parts to it: an examination of the African ICTroadmap; comparisons with Kenya and other countries; and thegathering of expert opinion both from the public and private sectors.