As the author enter the second decade ofthe twenty-first century, governments, internationalorganizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),philanthropic organizations, and civil society groupsworldwide are actively focusing on evidence-based policy andincreased accountability to stakeholders (resultsagenda).The widespread implementation of the Results Agendahas generated a plethora of books, guides, academic papers,trainings, and case studies, which has enabled an ongoingmaturation process in the field. Consequently, specialistsare now better equipped to understand what works under whichcircumstances. Broadly speaking there are two interrelatedquestions which must be answered when assessing thesustainability of a government results agenda. First, is theinstitutional design and practice of government conducive toevidence-based policy making? Second, are the overarchingmonitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods and specifictools used appropriate for garnering the evidence demandedby government? These series of notes aim to make a smallcontribution to the latter question by summarizing andhighlighting a selection of PM&E methods and the toolsthat governments and international organizations around theworld have developed to put these into practice in their owncontexts. The central goal of this initiative is to prompt aprocess of learning, reflection and action by providingpractical information to those whose leadership rolerequires them to understand PM&E methods and theirpotential for enhancing evidence-based policy making.