This report analyzes the experienceof Albania with the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)process. The focus of the report is on evaluating theperformance of the World Bank in supporting the PRSPinitiative, not on appraising the authoritiespolicies. Themain emphasis of the report is on the formulation andimplementation of the PRSP until March 2003, but it doescover elements of the PRSP Progress Report which wascompleted following the evaluation team s mission toAlbania. The report is structured as follows: Section Bdescribes the country context including, political andeconomic background, the poverty profile, and keyconstraints for development. Section C addresses the PRSProcess in its entirety and includes an assessment of therelevance of the PRSP for Albania and its consistency withthe underlying principles of the initiative. Section Dassesses the World Bank s support to the process. Finally,section E summarizes the main points of the assessment andattempts to draw lessons of more general applicability.