As Dubai has grown over the last twodecades, the demand for private education has grown with it,a reflection of the number of expatriates settling in thecity and the various curricula on offer to cater toexpatriates. Given the city-state's unique context (inwhich a majority of the population are expatriates, notEmiratis), the immediate challenge for this new publicinstitution was to identify an appropriate approach forregulating a private education sector. It was the centraltenets of this approach, dependent essentially on oversightrather than intervention, which appealed to the knowledgeand human development authority (KHDA) and so the policyframework from that report was adopted, adapted, and putinto place in Dubai. The KHDA has returned to the World Bankrequesting a review of the governance initiatives. A WorldBank team, working in close collaboration with counterpartsin the KHDA, and in consultation with the wider stakeholdersin question (private school owners, heads, teachers, andparents), completed the review and the findings arepresented in this report.