In support of the multi-annual effortsof the Government of Serbia to advance financing policiesand practice in the education sector, the World Bankconducted a review of policies related to school financealong the Systems Approach for Better Education Results(SABER)-school finance framework. School finance policygoals are observed in the following areas: the basicconditions for learning, monitoring learning conditions andoutcomes, overseeing service delivery, budgeting withadequate and transparent information, providing moreresources to students who need them, and managing resourcesefficiently. The Serbia report for 2012 is one of the firstnational reports under the global benchmarking exercise ofthe World Bank, in the area of school finance, aimed atoutlining policies that drive performance in a schoolfinance system. This report presents findings on thestrengths and weaknesses of the school finance system inSerbia. It discusses the need to use more efficiently thepublic expenditure available for education in the country,and it looks at the policy goals in financing publiceducation more broadly.