This capacity development briefsummarizes the results of a multi-donor team review of fourexamples of post-crisis capacity development interventionsin the Solomon Islands in 2005-08 whose performance wasfrequently cited as successful by local stakeholders.Although not based on post-project evaluations, the reviewfound a number of patterns and potential lessons: (1)responding to immediate needs fosters national ownership;(2) 'quick wins' can lay the basis for widersystem impact; (3) being clear on 'capacity forwhat' is key to project success, (4) critical mass incapacity means taking a team approach; (5) training must begrounded in time-relevant and actively operational tasks;(6) a coaching and partnering style is essential and,certainly, not optional; and (7) leadership becomescatalytic in capacity development when a broader coalitionis engaged, and in some cases supports a 'heroicindividual' as its leader.