The social development family is facinga major challenge given the significant increase in lendingmade by the Bank in the last five years. Lending overall hasmore than doubled between FY05 and FY09; investment lendinghas increased by 82 percent and infrastructure lending by125 percent. In this report, International Evaluation Group(IEG) suggests that the World Bank's safeguard policiesare 'unbalanced' and narrowly conceived even incomparison to other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).The report challenges the Bank to consolidate and update itssocial policies. The purpose of this paper is to present aconcept note on core training and accreditation program onsocial sustainability and social safeguards to Bank staff,including a comprehensive proposal of the training andprogram, main objectives, content and scope of the course(social sustainability, social analysis social assessment,demand for good governance, youth, gender, 'fragility,conflict, crime and violence', social impacts ofclimate change, community driven development, socialsafeguard policies-involuntary resettlement, indigenouspeoples, cultural property) target audiences, duration andmethodologies according to the audiences, and estimated budget.