This note presents a review of thesystem of funding higher education in Uganda and providesgovernment and stakeholders with some options for meetingthe twin goals of increasing participation and quality inhigher education, especially in science-related disciplines.Part I provides an overview of the current situation ofUgandan higher education. It begins with a brief review ofthe country s recent social and political history andcontinues on to describe the historical development andcurrent situation of the country s higher education system.The final section provides an overview of the current stateof debate about the way forward in improving financing ofhigher education in Uganda. In part II, possible solutionsare outlined. The Government of Uganda has two broad policygoals for higher education. The first is to increase thenumber of graduates, especially in the areas of science andtechnology. The second is to expand access to universitiesto a broader selection of the Ugandan population, allowingthose of lower socio-economic status to benefit as much aspossible from higher education. Policies to achieve both ofthese goals are presented in Part II.