Sector Investment Programs (SIPs) are anintegral part of the World Bank's strategy for renewalin Africa. The objective of the study was therefore toexamine the key elements of SIPs, to explain theirrationale, and to prepare a practical guide for theirpreparation. Further, the objective was to assess the likelynumber of such programs that can be expected to be seen overthe next few years, and to serve as a pedagogic tool indisseminating the new approach, both to borrowers and toother donors. SIPs offer a real alternative approach that isgenerating higher impact on the ground. The operations areexpensive to prepare (especially for the lead donor), butsignificantly reduce costs over the medium term. SIPs areonly possible when there is genuine local commitment to suchan approach, and where there exists goodwill among the donorcommunity, especially amongst those actively present in the country.