Preparing a National Transport Strategy : Suggestions for Government Agencies in Developing Countries
Lee, John ; Hine, John L.
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  44905
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this report is to assistpolicy makers and planners in developing countries in thepreparation of a National Transport Strategy (NTS). Thereport highlights lessons that can be learned from NTSsdeveloped by different countries around the world. It drawsupon transport strategy and policy documents from 23countries and from a range of World Bank source material.The aim is not to provide a ready-made strategy document butto identify relevant questions and choices that need to beconsidered in preparing an NTS. At each stage of thedevelopment of the NTS, a checklist of considerations isgiven, and, where appropriate, examples of good and badpractice are identified. Within the report particularattention is paid to separately identifying Objectives,Policy Principles and Strategies. Objectives expresssociety's goals, which should reflect the generalsocio-economic goals of the country-goals that are sharedwith other (non-transport) sectors. Policy Principlesrepresent the principles that should govern the pursuit ofthose goals. They are the guiding philosophy for decisionswithin the sector. Strategies represent the ways in whichgoals are to be achieved in line with the policy principles.A wide range of policies relating to the sector as a wholeand to different modes of transport are considered in thereport, covering topics such as investment planning, privateprovision of road infrastructure, transport services, railinfrastructure and operations, ports and multi-modaltransport, route service franchising, pricing, cost recoveryand taxation. In addition, a series of examples of howstrategies can be formulated based on objectives and policyprinciples are given. Throughout the report, consultationand transparency in the preparation of an NTS are stressed.The report concludes with a broad assessment of thestrengths and weaknesses of NTSs reviewed for the report.

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