Since January 2004, the Nigerian FederalMinistry of Finance has taken an initiative to improvetransparency at all levels of government, particularly thesub-national level. Every month, it publishes the federal,state, and local government shares of revenue from thecountry's federal account. From its inception, thenFinance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala led this initiative asone of many efforts to improve public expendituremanagement, itself part of a broader set of institutionaland governance reforms. Nigeria's effort to publishbudgets is a leading example of how transparent informationis essential to allow citizens to participate effectively ingovernance, hold authorities to account, and thereby enhancedevelopment effectiveness. The intuition behind thisburgeoning awareness is clear. Like for other good things,the best governance outcomes result when there is a freeflow of information between those supplying governmentservices and those demanding those services.