The Enterprise Development Project (EDP)- 1998-2003 - was designed to support, with a credit of US$45 million, Zambia's Economic Reform Program that beganin 1991. One of the key aspects of this reform program wasto dismantle traditional state-supported enterprisedevelopment mechanisms and replace these withmarket-determined enterprise development structures. Threespecific objectives were identified : (i) enhancing Zambianfirms' technical know-how by providing demand-drivenassistance to Zambian firms in the form of matching grants;(ii) enhancing Zambian firms' access to finance byproviding a long-term credit facility for investments and ashort-term credit line for exporters; and (iii)strengthening the financial system and availability ofinformation resources in Zambia by providing technicalassistance to help strengthen the institutionalunderpinnings of the financial system at the wholesale,retail and regulatory levels.