This short country report, a result oflarger Information for Development Program (infoDev) -supported survey of the Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICT) in education in Africa, provides ageneral overview of current activities and issues related toICT use in education in the country. Senegal's hand oncommitment to incorporating ICT in education is still in thebeginning stages of progress and evaluation. AlthoughSenegal's public officials and government bodiesrecognize ICT as a powerful engine for progress in economicexpansion and modernization and have a national ICT policyin place, it has not yet been integrated into the educationsector in any kind of formal policy. However, the Ministryof Education and several organizations have takeninitiatives to launch and continue activities that willfacilitate the modernization of schools and othereducational institutions. Initiatives have also been made inthe informal sector, such as the United Nations Educational,Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) CommunityMultimedia Center Scale-Up Project, to make ICT accessibleto community members. Although obstacles remain, such as theneed for more telecommunications infrastructure and computermaterials, the outlook for integrating ICT intoSenegal's education system is very optimistic.