This report reviews poverty in Armeniain 2001, and examines the most recent trends covering the1998/99 to 2001 period. It looks at the determinants ofpoverty, and analyzes linkages between economic growth,sector policies and poverty. The findings are based on tworounds of the Armenia Integrated Living Conditions Survey(ILCS), one carried out in 1998/99, and the other in 2001.The report has contributed to the development ofArmenia's national strategy for growth and povertyreduction. Poverty is high in Armenia, with an estimated 48percent of the population below the poverty line in 2001.Despite some 20 percent still living in extreme poverty,there has been nonetheless, a significant decline inpoverty, as poverty incidence dropped by 12 percent, andextreme poverty incidence by 25 percent from theirrespective levels in 1998/99. There is a strong correlationbetween poverty and low educational attainment, while theunemployed and non-participants in the labor market, facethe highest poverty risk, depth and severity of poverty. Inrural areas, poverty is positively correlated with the sizeof landholdings. The drop in poverty reflects a decline inurban poverty since 1998/99. Rural poverty has increasedslightly. Yerevan, the capital and largest urban area inArmenia, registered the most significant reduction inpoverty, as poverty incidence there dropped by 23 percentand extreme poverty by over a third, to 45 percent and 20percent, respectively. While poverty in other urban areasalso decreased, their poverty incidence still remains abovethe national rate, at 52 percent. Poverty incidence is nowroughly the same in urban and rural areas, 48.5 percent and47.9 percent, respectively. Government policies aimed atmacroeconomic stability and diversification of the economyshould be pursued, and, recommendations further includeincreasing the level and quality of education, and ensuringbetter health for all, critical to reduce poverty.Concerning social protection, consideration should be givento expanding it to cover most of the extremely poor, as wellas refining targeting mechanisms.